

Category, Section, SubsectionKey descriptive name (key_name, format/default_value)
Home & Money, Financial accounts, BankingInstitution name (institutionName), Account type (accountType, one of Checking, Savings, or Other), Name(s) on account (nameOnAccount), Account number (accountNumber), Location (location), SWIFT/other code (swiftCode), ABA routing number (abaRoutingNumber), Website (website), Notes (notes)
Home & Money, Financial accounts, Investments/RetirementInstitution name (institutionName), Account type (accountType), Name(s) on account (nameOnAccount), Account number (accountNumber), Location (location), Website (website), Notes (notes)
Home & Money, Financial accounts, Loans/MortgagesInstitution name (institutionName), Loan type, Name(s) on account (nameOnAccount), Account number (accountNumber), Location (location), Website (website), Notes (notes)
Home & Money, Financial accounts, Other financial accountsInstitution name (institutionName), Account type (accountType), Name(s) on account (nameOnAccount), Account number (accountNumber), Location (location), SWIFT/other code (swiftCode), ABA routing number (abaRoutingNumber), Website (website), Notes (notes)
Home & Money, Payment methods, Credit/Debit cardsCard name (cardName), Card number (cardNumber), Card type (cardType, one of Credit, Debit), Card holder (cardHolder), Expiry date (expiryDate, ‘MMM YYYY’), CVV code (cvvCode), Card PIN (cardPin), Issuing bank (issuingBank), Website (website), Notes (notes)
Home & Money, Payment methods, Other payment accountsInstitution name (institutionName), Account type (accountType), Name(s) on account (nameOnAccount), Account number (accountNumber), Location (location), Website (website), Notes (notes)
Home & Money, Property, Primary home (owned)Property name (propertyName, use Street address 1), Street address 1 (streetAddressOne), Street address 2 (streetAddressTwo), City (city), State (state), Zip code (zipCode), Country (country), Name(s) on title (titleName), Purchase date (purchaseDate, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Purchase price (purchasePrice, USD), Estimated market value (estimatedMarketValue, USD), Notes (notes)
Home & Money, Property, Property (rented for own use)Property name (propertyName, use Street address 1), Street address 1 (streetAddressOne), Street address 2 (streetAddressTwo), City (city), State (state), Zip code (zipCode), Country (country), Name of landlord (landlordName), Lease start date (leaseStartDate, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Lease end date (leaseEndDate, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Notes (notes)
Home & Money, Property, Vacation homeProperty name (propertyName, use Street address 1), Street address 1 (streetAddressOne), Street address 2 (streetAddressTwo), City (city), State (state), Zip code (zipCode), Country (country), Name(s) on title (titleName), Purchase date (purchaseDate, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Purchase price (purchasePrice, USD), Estimated market value (estimatedMarketValue, USD), Notes (notes)
Home & Money, Property, Investment/Rental propertyProperty name (propertyName, use Street address 1), Street address 1 (streetAddressOne), Street address 2 (streetAddressTwo), City (city), State (state), Zip code (zipCode), Country (country), Name(s) on title (titleName), Purchase date (purchaseDate, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Purchase price (purchasePrice, USD), Estimated market value (estimatedMarketValue, USD), Currently rented (currentlyRented, Boolean), Name of tenant (tenantName), Lease start date (leaseStartDate, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Lease end date (leaseEndDate, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Notes (notes)
Home & Money, Auto, VehiclesVehicle name (vehicleName), License plate number (licenseNumber), Vehicle identification number (vinNumber), Make (make), Model (model), Model year (modelYear, YYYY), Color (color), Name on title (titleName), Estimated market value (estimatedMarketValue, USD), Registration expiration date (registrationExpiryDate, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Purchased or Leased (purchasedOrLeased, one of Purchased, Leased), Purchase date (purchaseDate, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Lease start date (leaseStartDate, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Lease end date (leaseEndDate, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Financed through loan (financedThroughLoan, boolean), Notes (notes)
Home & Money, Auto, MaintenanceMaintenance event (maintenanceEvent), Vehicle (vehicle), Name of service provider (serviceProviderName), Date of service (dateOfService, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Notes (notes)
Home & Money, Other assets, JewelryAsset name (assetName), Description/location (descriptionOrLocation), Estimated current market value (estimatedMarketValue, USD), Serial number (serialNumber), Purchase date (purchaseDate, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Purchase price (purchasePrice, USD), Notes (notes)
Home & Money, Other assets, Art and collectiblesAsset name (assetName), Description/location (descriptionOrLocation), Estimated current market value (estimatedMarketValue, USD), Serial number (serialNumber), Purchase date (purchaseDate, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Purchase price (purchasePrice, USD), Notes (notes)
Home & Money, Other assets, Computers and electronicsAsset name (assetName), Description/location (descriptionOrLocation), Estimated current market value (estimatedMarketValue, USD), Serial number (serialNumber), Purchase date (purchaseDate, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Purchase price (purchasePrice, USD), Notes (notes)
Home & Money, Other assets, FurnitureAsset name (assetName), Description/location (descriptionOrLocation), Estimated current market value (estimatedMarketValue, USD), Serial number (serialNumber), Purchase date (purchaseDate, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Purchase price (purchasePrice, USD), Notes (notes)
Home & Money, Other assets, OthersAsset name (assetName), Description/location (descriptionOrLocation), Estimated current market value (estimatedMarketValue, USD), Serial number (serialNumber), Purchase date (purchaseDate, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Purchase price (purchasePrice, USD), Notes (notes)
Home & Money, Insurance, Homeowners/Renters insuranceInsurance company (insuranceCompany), Insured property (insuredProperty), Policy number (policyNumber), Policy effective date (policyEffectiveDate) (‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Policy expiration date (policyExpirationDate) (‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Website (website), Notes (notes)
Home & Money, Insurance, Auto insuranceInsurance company (insuranceCompany), Insured vehicle (insuredVehicle), Policy number (policyNumber), Policy effective date (policyEffectiveDate) (‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Policy expiration date (policyExpirationDate) (‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Website (website), Notes (notes)
Home & Money, Insurance, Life insuranceInsurance company (insuranceCompany), Insured person (insuredPerson), Policy number (policyNumber), Policy effective date (policyEffectiveDate) (‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Policy expiration date (policyExpirationDate) (‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Website (website), Notes (notes)
Home & Money, Insurance, Health insuranceInsurance company (insuranceCompany), Insured person (insuredPerson), Policy number (policyNumber), Policy effective date (policyEffectiveDate) (‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Policy expiration date (policyExpirationDate) (‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Website (website), Notes (notes)
Home & Money, Insurance, Umbrella insuranceInsurance company (insuranceCompany), Insured person (insuredPerson), Policy number (policyNumber), Policy effective date (policyEffectiveDate) (‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Policy expiration date (policyExpirationDate) (‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Website (website), Notes (notes)
Home & Money, Taxes, Past returnsReturn name (returnName), Tax year (taxYear,YYYY), Taxpayer(s) (taxPayer), Notes (notes)
Home & Money, Taxes, Returns to be filedReturn name (returnName), Tax year (taxYear,YYYY), Taxpayer(s) (taxPayer), Notes (notes)
Home & Money, Services/Other accountsInstitution name (institutionName), Account name (accountName), Account type (accountType, one of Cable/Satellite, Phone, Long Distance, Wireless, Internet, Gas, Electricity, Water, Trash, Other), Name(s) on account (nameOnAccount), Account number (accountNumber), Location (location), Website (website), Notes (notes)
Home & Money, Other attachmentsTitle (title), Notes (notes)
Travel, Loyalty programs, AirlineAirline (airline), Account name (accountName), Name on account (nameOnAccount), Account number (accountNumber), Website (website), Notes (notes)
Travel, Loyalty programs, HotelHotel (hotel), Account name (accountName), Name on account (nameOnAccount), Account number (accountNumber), Website (website), Notes (notes)
Travel, Loyalty programs, Car rentalCar Rental Company (carRentalCompany), Account name (accountName), Name on account (nameOnAccount), Account number (accountNumber), Website (website), Notes (notes)
Travel, Loyalty programs, CruiselineCruiseline (cruiseline), Account name (accountName), Name on account (nameOnAccount), Account number (accountNumber), Website (website), Notes (notes)
Travel, Loyalty programs, RailwayRailway (railway), Account name (accountName), Name on account (nameOnAccount), Account number (accountNumber), Website (website), Notes (notes)
Travel, Loyalty programs, OtherAccount name (accountName), Name on account (nameOnAccount), Account number (accountNumber), Website (website), Notes (notes)
Travel, Travel documents, PassportPassport name (passportName), Name on passport (nameOnPassport, ‘First name Last name’), Issuing country (issuingCountry), Passport number (passportNumber), Place issued (placeIssued), Date issued (dateIssued, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Expiration date (expirationDate, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Notes (notes)
Travel, Travel documents, VisaVisa name (visaName), Name on visa (nameOnVisa, ‘First name Last name’), Issuing country (issuingCountry), Visa type (visaType), Visa number (visaNumber), Place issued (placeIssued), Date issued (dateIssued, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Expiration date (expirationDate, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Notes (notes)
Travel, Travel documents, Other travel documentTravel document title (travelDocumentTitle), Name on travel document (nameOnTravelDocument, ‘First name Last name’), Issuing country (issuingCountry), Travel document type (travelDocumentType), Travel document number (travelDocumentNumber), Place issued (placeIssued), Date issued (dateIssued, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Expiration date (expirationDate, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Notes (notes)
Travel, Travel dates and plansDescription (description), Plans confirmed (plansConfirmed, boolean), Start date (startDate, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), End date (endDate, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Places to visit/consider 1 (placesToVisit_1), Places to visit/consider 2 (placesToVisit_2), Places to visit/consider 3 (placesToVisit_3), Notes (notes)
Travel, Services/Other accountsInstitution name (institutionName), Account name (accountName), Account type (accountType), Name(s) on account (nameOnAccount), Account number (accountNumber), Location (location), Website (website), Notes (notes)
Travel, Other attachmentsTitle (title), Notes (notes)
Contacts, Shared contactsFirst Name (firstName), Last Name (lastName), Company (company), Birthday (dateOfBirth, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Anniversary (anniversary, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Phone 1 (mobileOne), Phone 2 (mobileTwo), Email 1 (emailOne), Email 2 (emailTwo), Street Address 1 (streetAddressOne), Street Address 2 (streetAddressTwo), City (city), State (state), Zip Code, Country (country), Notes (notes)
Contacts, Services/Other accountsInstitution name (institutionName), Account name (accountName), Account type (accountType), Name(s) on account (nameOnAccount), Account number (accountNumber), Location (location), Website (website), Notes (notes)
Contacts, Other attachmentsTitle (title), Notes (notes)
Education & Work, EducationInstitution name (institutionName), Qualification/degree (qualification), Name (name, ‘First name Last name’), Location (location), Concentration/major (major), From (from, ‘MMM, YYYY’), To (to, ‘MMM, YYYY’), Currently studying there (isCurrent, boolean), Notes (notes)
Education & Work, WorkCompany name (companyName), Position (position), Name (name, ‘First name Last name’), Location (location), From (from, ‘MMM, YYYY’), To (to, ‘MMM, YYYY’), Currently working there (isCurrent, boolean), Notes (notes)
Education & Work, Services/Other accountsInstitution name (institutionName), Account name (accountName), Account type (accountType), Name(s) on account (nameOnAccount), Account number (accountNumber), Location (location), Website (website), Notes (notes)
Education & Work, Other attachmentsTitle (title), Notes (notes)
Personal, Drivers licenseDescription (lic_description), Name on license (nameOnLicense, ‘First name Last name’), Issuing country (issuingCountry), Issuing state (issuingState), License number (licenseNumber), Date issued (dateIssued, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Expiration date (expirationDate, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Notes (notes)
Personal, Social Security cardCard name (cardName), Name on card (nameOnCard), Social security number (socialSecurityNumber), Notes (notes)
Personal, Tax IDTax ID name (taxIdName), Name on ID (name), Issuing country (issuingCountry), Tax ID number (taxIdNumber), Notes (notes)
Personal, Birth certificateDescription (cer_description), Name on certificate (nameOnCertificate), Gender (gender, one of Female, Male), Date of birth (dateOfBirth, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Time of birth (timeOfBirth, XX:XX AM or PM), Place of birth (placeOfBirth), Notes (notes)
Personal, Marriage certificateDescription (cer_Description), Name 1 on certificate (nameOneCertificate), Name 2 on certificate (nameTwoCertificate), Date of marriage (dateOfMarriage, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Place of marriage (placeOfMarriage), Notes (notes)
Personal, Other government-issued IDID name (idName), Name on ID (nameOnId, ‘First name Last name’), Issuing country (issuingCountry), Issuing state (issuingState), ID number (idNumber), Date issued (dateIssued, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Expiration date (expirationDate, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Notes (notes)
Personal, Services/Other accountsInstitution name (institutionName), Account name (accountName), Account type (accountType), Name(s) on account (nameOnAccount), Account number (accountNumber), Location (location), Website (website), Notes (notes)
Personal, Other attachmentsTitle (title), Notes (notes)
Food & Interests, RecipesRecipe name (recipeName), Category (recipeCategory, one of Other, Air Fryer Recipes, Appetizers, BBQ and Grilling, Beef, Beverages, Breads and Rolls, Breakfast and Brunch, Burgers, Casseroles, Chicken and Poultry, Comfort Foods, Cookies and Bars, Desserts and Sweets, Dinner, Entertaining, Family Favorites, Fish and Seafood, Healthy Meals, Holiday Favorites, Instant Pot Recipes, Kids Favorites, Lunch, Main Dishes, One-Pot Meals, Pasta and Noodles, Pies, Pizza, Pork, Pressure Cooker Recipes, Rice and Grains, Salads and Dressings, Sandwiches and Wraps, Sauces and Condiments, School Lunches, Sheet Pan Meals, Side Dishes, Slow Cooker, Smoothies and Shakes, Snacks, Soups and Stews, Vegetarian and Vegan), Source (source), Website (website), Ingredients (ingredients), Directions (directions), Prep time (prepTime, hours, mins), Cook time (cookTime, hours, mins), Total time (totalTime, hours, mins), Servings (servings, integer), Nutrition (nutrition), Notes (notes)
Food & Interests, DIY Projects and HobbiesProject name (projectName), Category (projectCategory, one of Other, Art and Crafts, Audio and Music Production, Automotive, Beauty and Personal Care, Bicycle, Boats and Watercraft, Candle Making, Education and Learning, Electronics and Gadgets, Embellishing and Decorating, Event and Party Decor, Fashion and Accessories, Fitness and Wellness, Food and Drink, Food Preservation and Canning, Furniture, Green Living, Hobbies and Collectibles, Home Automation, Home Brewing and Fermentation, Home Decor, Home Improvement, Home Security, Jewelry Making, Leatherworking, Lighting, Macrame and Weaving, Metalworking and Welding, Mosaics and Tilework, Motorcycle, Music and Audio, Outdoor and Garden, Painting and Staining, Paper Crafts, Pet Care, Photography and Videography, Plumbing and HVAC, Science and Experimentation, Sewing and Textiles, Sewing Repairs, Soap Making, Solar Power, Stenciling and Decoupage, Storage and Organization, Toys and Games, Travel and Adventure, Upcycling and Recycling, Upgrading and Modding, Woodworking and Carpentry, Writing and Publishing), Source (source), Website (website), Materials (materials), Tools (tools), Instructions (instructions), Prep time (prepTime, days, hours, mins), Build time (buildTime, days, hours, mins), Total time (totalTime, days, hours, mins), Persons (persons, integer), Cost (cost, USD), Status (status, one of Active, Completed, Cancelled, On Hold), Notes (notes)
Food & Interests, Services/Other accountsInstitution name (institutionName), Account name (accountName), Account type (accountType), Name(s) on account (nameOnAccount), Account number (accountNumber), Location (location), Website (website), Notes (notes)
Food & Interests, Other attachmentsTitle (title), Notes (notes)
Wellness, Personal health records, IdentificationName (name), Gender (gender), Date of birth (dateofBirth), Age (age), Height (height, ft, in), Weight (weight, lbs), Hair color (hairColor), Eye color (eyeColor), Visible marks (visibleMarks), Blood Type (bloodType, one of O+, O-, A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-), Organ Donor (orgonDonor, boolean), Notes (notes)
Wellness, Personal health records, Medical historyPast conditions and treatment (treatmentDiscription), Immunization history (immunizationDiscription), Family history (familyDiscription), Notes (notes)
Wellness, Personal health records, Healthcare providersName (name), Type of physician (physicianType, one of Allergist, Andrologist, Anesthesiologist, Audiologist, Cardiologist, Cardiovascular Surgeon, Clinical Neurophysiologist, Dentist, Dermatologist, Emergency Doctor, Endocrinologist, ENT Specialist, Epidemiologist, Family Practitioner, Gastroenterologist, General Psychiatrist, Gynecologist, Hematologist, Hepatologist, Immunologist, Infectious Disease Specialist, Internal Medicine Specialist, Internist, Medical Geneticist, Microbiologist, Neonatologist, Nephrologist, Neurologist, Neurosurgeon, Obstetrician, Oncologist, Ophthalmologist, Orthopedic Surgeon, Orthopedist, Pale Pathologist, Parasitologist, Pathologist, Pediatrician, Physiatrist, Physiologist, Plastic Surgeon, Plastic Surgeon, Podiatrist, Primary Care Physician, Primatologist, Psychiatrist, Pulmonologist, Radiologist, Reproductive Endocrinologist, Rheumatologist, Surgeon, Thoracic Oncologist, Urologist, Veterinarian, Other), Practice/Group (practiceName), Phone number 1 (phoneNumberOne), Phone number 2 (phoneNumberTwo), Email (email), Street address 1 (streetAddressOne), Street address 2 (streetAddressTwo), City (city), State (state), Zip (zip), Country (country), Notes (notes)
Wellness, Personal health records, Emergency contacts
Wellness, Personal health records, MedicationsName (name), Dose/strength (strength), Frequency (frequency), Start date (startDate, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), End date (endDate, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Notes (notes)
Wellness, Personal health records, Medical conditions/allergiesCondition (condition), Date diagnosed (dateDiagnosed, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Description (medi_description), Notes (notes)
Wellness, Personal health records, Eyeglass prescriptionsPhysician name (physicianName), Date prescribed (datePrescribed), OD Sphere Value (odSphereValue), OS Sphere Value (osSphereValue), OD Cylinder Value (odCylinderValue), OS Cylinder Value (osCylinderValue), OD Axis Value (odAxisValue), OS Axis Value (osAxisValue), OD Prism Value (odPrismValue), OS Prism Value (osPrismValue), OD Add Value (odAddValue), OS Add Value (osAddValue), OD Base Value (odBaseValue), OS Base Value (osBaseValue), Notes (notes)
Wellness, Personal health records, Vital numbersDescription (vital_description), Measurement date (measurementDate, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Height (height, ft, in), Weight (weight, lbs), Waist (waist, in), Body fat (bodyFat, %), Body mass index (bodyMassIndex, kg/m2), Blood pressure (bloodPressure, mmHg (xx/yy)), Heart rate (heartRate, bpm), Total cholesterol (totalCholesterol, mg/dL), HDL cholesterol (hdlCholesterol, mg/dL), LDL cholesterol (ldlCholesterol, mg/dL), Cholesterol ration (cholesterolRatio), Triglycerides (triglycerides, mg/dL), Blood glucose (bloodGlucose, mg/dL), Hemoglobin A1C (hemoglobin, %), Notes (notes)
Wellness, Personal health records, Checkups and visitsDescription (description), Physician name (physicianName), Type of physician (physicanType, one of Allergist, Andrologist, Anesthesiologist, Audiologist, Cardiologist, Cardiovascular Surgeon, Clinical Neurophysiologist, Dentist, Dermatologist, Emergency Doctor, Endocrinologist, ENT Specialist, Epidemiologist, Family Practitioner, Gastroenterologist, General Psychiatrist, Gynecologist, Hematologist, Hepatologist, Immunologist, Infectious Disease Specialist, Internal Medicine Specialist, Internist, Medical Geneticist, Microbiologist, Neonatologist, Nephrologist, Neurologist, Neurosurgeon, Obstetrician, Oncologist, Ophthalmologist, Orthopedic Surgeon, Orthopedist, Pale Pathologist, Parasitologist, Pathologist, Pediatrician, Physiatrist, Physiologist, Plastic Surgeon, Plastic Surgeon, Podiatrist, Primary Care Physician, Primatologist, Psychiatrist, Pulmonologist, Radiologist, Reproductive Endocrinologist, Rheumatologist, Surgeon, Thoracic Oncologist, Urologist, Veterinarian, Other), Reason (reason), Date of visit (dateOfVisit, ‘MM DD, YYYY’), Notes (notes)
Wellness, Services/Other accountsInstitution name (institutionName), Account name (accountName), Account type (accountType), Name(s) on account (nameOnAccount), Account number (accountNumber), Location (location), Website (website), Notes (notes)
Wellness, Other attachmentsTitle (title), Notes (notes)
Memories & Journal, Memory timelineTitle (title), Date (date, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Location (place), Notes (notes)
Memories & Journal, Daily journalTitle (title), Date (date, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Location (place), Notes (notes)
Memories & Journal, Services/Other accountsInstitution name (institutionName), Account name (accountName), Account type (accountType), Name(s) on account (nameOnAccount), Account number (accountNumber), Location (location), Website (website), Notes (notes)
Memories & Journal, Other attachmentsTitle (title), Notes (notes)
Shopping, Loyalty programsBrand/Retailer (brandName), Account name (accountName), Name on account (nameOnAccount), Account number (accountNumber), Website (website), Notes (notes)
Shopping, Recent purchasesItem (itemName), Brand/Retailer (brandName), Purchased by (purchasedBy), Purchase date (purchaseDate, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), Purchase price (purchasePrice, USD), Notes (notes)
Shopping, Coupons and salesBrand/Retailer (brandName), Description (couponDescription), Start date (startDate, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), End date (endDate, ‘MMM DD, YYYY’), In-store and/or online (couponType, one of In-store only, Online only, In-store and online), Notes (notes)
Shopping, Clothing sizesName (personName, ‘First name Last name’), Size name (sizeName), Notes (notes)
Shopping, Services/Other accountsInstitution name (institutionName), Account name (accountName), Account type (accountType), Name(s) on account (nameOnAccount), Account number (accountNumber), Location (location), Website (website), Notes (notes)
Shopping, Other attachmentsTitle (title), Notes (notes)
ListsCategory, Title (title), Items
Calendar, EventCategory, Title (title), Location (location), Starts (‘MMM DD, YYYY’, XX:XX AM or PM), Ends (‘MMM DD, YYYY’, XX:XX AM or PM)