
Best-in-class security

Keeping your information private and secure.

End-to-end encryption

With Sortifyd, all your data, whether at rest or in transit, is fully encrypted and cannot be read by anyone other than you. Your data is encrypted and decrypted only at the device level, and only on your authorized device, so only you can see it.
Your data is secured using military-grade AES 256-bit encryption with PBKDF2 key derivation with 10,000 iterations. This makes it effectively impossible for anyone to decrypt your data without knowledge of your Master Password.

Only you have the key to your data

All encryption and decryption of data requires knowledge of the Master Password which only you as the user know.
For your security, the Master Password is never stored on our servers and is never transmitted over the internet.

Multi-factor authentication

In addition to confirming your Master Password, Sortifyd security requires you to authenticate any new device you use with a time-based one-time password (OTP) that is sent to your registered email.
For added security, you can require Touch/Face ID to unlock Sortifyd. This will prevent unauthorized access to your account if others use your device.

Secure and reliable cloud storage

Sortifyd servers are hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS), widely considered to be one of the most secure and reliable cloud platforms in the industry.

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